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Joe & Gomamon

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~*~Season 01~*~

Super cool pictures of Tai and the volutions of his Digimon partner!

A memory of when Tai saw a digimon for the first time (explained in the movie(s)).

Tai wakes up to see a lil Pink smile as his VERY first trip to the Digi-World! Awww!!! How KAWAII! I guess Tai freaked like Joe (A tad) when meeting his digimon partner for the first time, too.

As everyone regroups and introduces their new digimon partner Kuwagamon attacks! First picture shows lil Koromon protecting Tai, who bolts! Soon, though, the digimon gather and digi-volve to their rookie level, defeating Kuwagamon. The digimon run back to their human partners to show off their new level and introducing themselves once more.

Here's Tai and Agmon running from a Fridgimon under a Dark Gear's control!

This picture is from the first day the gang arrives on Server. They come across a Koromon village but it's infested by Pagumon! Agumon's sure he smells Koromon scent in the village and it's not 100% confirmed till the next day (sleep'n/rest'n there) Tokomon is gone!...

With Tai over stuffing Agumon with everyone's food and putting himself in danger to force Agumon to his Ultimate stage he gets... an efil Skullgreymon! (The Greymon with the collar is Etemon's thug sent to fight "our" Greymon)

The "Yoda" Digimon, Pixiemon, pays a visit to the group. He's just as brutal as Gennai, and it's mainly aimed at Tai and Agumon!

After the training and mistake of Skullgreymon, Tai's nervous of letting Greymon go up a level but his crest glows "correctly" and soon a MetalGreymon is born! But after defeating Etemon a sort of black hole appears sucking Metalgreymon and Tai away! And are sent... home?!

Tai just got to his home after returning to the real world for the FIRST time from the Digiworld. After he and Koromon pig out Tai lies down, let'n the AC blow. (Animation is SUPER in this ep!)

Tai's little vacation is cut short when Agumon goes back to the digital world without him. Though Kari begs him to stay, Tai knows he must follow Agumon and help him and the others. The portal to the digiworld is above them which is why Agumon and Ogermon got sucked up (and the rocks in the background). Soon Tai's digi-vice is sucked up, Tai holding on for the ride.

As Tai returns back to the Digiworld he finds that everyone's seperated in their own personal search, looking for him! He first finds TK who's tricked to believe Matt left him behind (He went across the lake to look for the others, finding Joe and getting stuck in his mess. Check out Joe's Picture Page for more info) by Demidevimon. Tai helps TK evade him and patch things up between TK and Tokomon (Who got into an argument due to bowl'n ball with wings, again!). Then they begin a search for the others, soon coming across Matt/Gabumon and Joe/Gomamon in their bad situation.

Soon everyone is back together, minus Sora. (Do we really need more proof of her being really Baka?) Sora is running away from them but Tai & Matt soon catch up to her and force her to stop. Sora's crying because her crest won't glow like everyone else's have. Her crest is love and she belives she doesn't have any... (Must not if she didn't realize Tai liked her and besides the fact that he stuck his neck out for her, not Matt but I'm not complain'n... just think she's REALLY out there!)

To find information about Myotismon and his castle they send in Agumon and Palmon as new recruits for Myotismon's flunkies! What do ya think?

We're not 100% sure but this may have something to do with solveing/defeating something while the group tries to get back to the real world through Myotismon'n gateway. (Any information would be appreciated!)

If you missed this ep then.. well... SUCKS TO BE YOU! Tai whispered to the others (being back to the real world for the first time (Tai's second time) after their first trip to the digiworld) on the bus that they couldn't be too sure to let their teacher see the digivice.

Tai: "Just think. Everytime you failed a test he could shout out Homework Blaster!"

Teacher (behind him): "Actually, Tai it's more like 'Tickle Blaster!' " and begins tickle'n him as you see ^_^

Now that everyone is back to the real world they are forced to figure out the puzzle of who the 8th Digi-Destined Child is... (Kari! HELLO!?!?)

~*~Season 02~*~

Awww I thought this was innocently kawaii! Actually it looks like he was caught in do'n something he shouldn't be do'n...

Agumon, Greymon, and Metalgreymon: All under the evil Digimon Emperor's control! Nooooo!

After they free Agumon (for the 2nd or third time now, but this time is the last time) Tai and Agumon share a tearful reunion!

Greymon and Tai take'n out a Control Spiral! Yesh!

Davis, Kento, Yolei, Kari, TK, and Cody all brought the digimon of the old Digi Destined back to the real world to be with their partners for the holidays (Sort of a Christmas Gift for the old Digi Destined). This one is where Agumon jumps out and hugs Tai! ^_^

Here Tai uses his Digi-Vice to help in the fight against Malomyotismon! He's got Agumon in his arms too! ^_^


A Chibi Tai! SO cute!

Chibi Tai and Chibi Kari are shocked and amazed that their larger-than-normal Agumon became Greymon, a VERY big dino!


>:) Just Imagine Tai with a Red Spray Can!

My Tai Key Chain! YEAAAAH!

I think this means something...

A picture found on a website that supports the hate of Sora! (Who doesn't? And if you're one of the ppl who likes Sora then... sorry!)


Tai grows up to be an ambasador of BOTH worlds!


Older Tai with his Son and Agumon! Awww and he gets a Koromon! (Who's tiny compared to Agumon!)

Cute father & son moment. And Koromon is still tiny compared to Agumon! 0.o!

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