Welcome to the shrine I made especially for my all-time  favorite anime girl Kaoru Kamiya!

Obviously, the reason why you're here is because you  adore the tanuki girl Kaoru, or at least like her.  But if you can't stand her guts, then it's probably better if you just leave.  I can't stand receiving flames from people who shouldn't have been here in the first place.  Anyway, please do sign the guestbook before leaving.  I'd love to hear from you!  By the way, if you do intend to flame me, be sure to leave your e-mail address behind.  Only wimps  go flaming around and do not bother to leave behind an e-mail address.

Anyway, although this sitey is pro-Kaoru all the way, it's not in any way anti-Tomoe.  So Tomoe fans, chill out!  I made this shrine to give tribute to my favorite anime character Kaoru, and not to bash Tomoe!!!  So Tomoe fans are very much welcome to come here!  Maybe you may even get to like Kaoru after you leave (even just a bit! ^_^X)


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