Dbz Character Bios

Goku-A Saiyan baby from Planet Vegeta. He is sent to earth to destroy it but hits his head and forgets it, ending up to always saving it. Goku marries a woman named Chi-Chi whom he has two kids with, Gohan and Goten. Moves-Solar Flare, Kaamehameha, Ki Blast, Spirit Bomb (not when super saiyan), Super Saiyan levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. Also Super Saiyan Ultra and Super Saiyan Ultra Ultra. Kaio Kan, and Instant Transmission. Race-Saiyan. Best Friends-Krillin and Pan when kid again.

Gohan-Goku's loving son. He is not fond of fighthing but when he gets mad he can destroy enemies stronger then his father. Gohan marries a girl named Videl and they have a daughter, Pan. Moves-Kamehameha, Masenko, Ki Blast, Super Saiyan levels 1 and 2. Also Mystic Gohan. Race-Half saiyan and half human. Best friends-Krillin and Piccolo

Vegeta-This fierce warrior is a prince, son of the king of Planet Vageta. He comes to earth for the dragonballs after Raditz sends him a message of them before he dies. Vegeta eventually becomes a good guy though. He marries Bulma and has two kids, Trunks and Bra. Moves-Big Bang Attack, Ki Blast, Galick Gun, Final Flash, Super Saiyan levels 1, 2 (only when Majin), and 4. Also Super Saiyan Ultra. Race-Saiyan. Best Friends-None

Trunks-Vegeta and Bulma's first child. Trunks comes from the future to warn the Z fighters about the Androids. Three years after that he is born in the present time. Moves-Ki Blast, Burning Attack, Sword Skills, and Super Saiayan level 1. Future can also reach Super Saiyan Ultra and Super Saiyan Ultra Ultra. Race-Half saiyan and half human. Best friends-Gohan in future and Goten in present.

Goten-This young warrior is so so strong that he gets to a Super Saiyan at the age of seven. He grows up with Trunks, being born a year after, and they are best friends. Though, when they fight against each other Trunks came out on top. Moves-Kamehameha, Ki Blast, and Super Saiyan level 1. Race-Half saiyan and half human. Best Friends-Present Trunks

Krillin-Krillin is Goku's all-time best friend. He is not nearly as strong as Goku but he is willing to sacrafice himself when times are tough. Ex.-Jumps in front of Gohan to get a barrage of energy attacks in his chest during the Garlic Jr. Saga. Moves-Kamehameha, Ki Blast, Solar Flare,and Destructo Disk. Race-Human. Best Friends-Goku and Gohan

Piccolo-Piccolo began as Goku's rival but became good friends with him. He also trains Gohan for the arrival of Vegeta and dies for Gohan. Moves-Masenko, Multi-Form, Ki Blast, Special Beam Cannon,and Regrowth of Body Parts. Race-Namekian. Best friends-Gohan

Tien-Not much is known about this man's past, but he is best friends with Chiotzu and is also classified as a human. He trained under Master Roshi's rival. Even though he has three eyes, but remember Krillin doesn't have a nose either. Moves-Multi-Form, Solar Flare, Ki Blast, and Tri-Beam. Race-Human. Best Friends-Chiotzu

Yamcha-This lonely man was once a desert bandit and was evil. Though he liked Bulma and became a good guy. Moves-Spirit Bomb, Ki Blast, and Solar Flare. Race-Human. Best Friends-Puar

Chiotzu-This short guy is an emporer of some distant planet. Somehow he lives on earth now. He trained under Master Roshi's rival. He is more important at the beginging of the series but now has a smaller power level then everyone else. He also does not get strong as fast as the rest of the Z fighters. Moves-Ki Blast and Blast into other Dimension. Race-? Best Friends-Tien

Vegito-This is the kai earings fusion of Goku and Vegeta. He fights Super Buu after Gohan is absorbed. He is as a SSJ stroger than SSJ3 Gotenks. He is absorbed by Buu and he frees all the people inside Buu. Attacks-all of Vegeta's and Goku's attacks. Race-Saiyan. Best Friends-None.

Gotenks-This is the result of Goten and Trunks doing the fusion dance. He is a lot stronger then Buu, but he is absorbed when Buu tricks him to go SSJ3 again. Attacks-all of Goten's and Chibi Trunks', Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, turn enemy to a volleyball, a ton of moves he made up while fighting Buu in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Galactic D., and Ki Blast. Race-Half human, half saiyan. Best Friends-None. Uub-He is the reincarnation of Buu. He is in GT more, but I decided to add him anyway. He is ten years old and trains with Goku. Spell his name backwards and you get Buu. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-Human. Best Friends-Goku.


Raditz-Raditz is Goku's older brother and one of the four remaining Saiyans. He comes to earth to see if Goku had completed his mission. When he saw Goku had not, he kidnapped Gohan. Goku died in the fight against him because it was the only way to kill him. Moves-Ki Blast and Keep Your Eyes on the Birdie. Race-Saiyan. Best Friends-None

Nappa-Nappa came with Vegeta and is one of the four remaining Saiyans. He kills Piccolo, Chiotzu dies while trying to blast him into the next dimension, and I think he killed Tien and Yamcha-not sure though. When Goku comes, Nappa never even hits Goku and Vegeta kills Nappa when he finds that he is useless. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-Saiyan. Best Friends-None.

Saibamen-These are creatures you plant in the ground as seeds and they grow. Nappa and Vegeta brought six with them. They cause some trouble for the dbz warriors. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-None.

Cui (sry about spelling)-This is one of Frieza's henchmen. He is killed easily by Vegeta on Namek. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-None.

Dodoria-Another of Frieza's henchmen. He is a huge guy that is also killed by Vegeta. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-None.

Zarbon-Yet another of Frieza's henchmen. He can change into a monster form, but doesn't like to because he looks ugly in that form. He is killed by Vegeta the second time they fight.

Guldo-The four-eyed guy is the weakest member of the Ginyu Force. He can stop time and almost killed Gohan and Krillen after he froze them. They were saved by Vegeta, who said he was settling a score (yeah right). Attacks-Time Freeze and Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-None.

Recoome-A strong member of the Ginyu Force. He gives Gohan and Krillen a lot of trouble until Goku shows up and he can't even touch him. He is killed by Vegeta when hurt. Attacks-Recoome Boom and Ki Blast. Race-Human. Best Friends-None.

Jeice-A fast member of the Ginyu Force. He has long hair and is on the short side. He is killed by Vegeta when hurt. Attacks-Tons of joint attacks w/ Burter and Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-Burter.

Burter-A fast member of the Ginyu Force. He is very tall. He is killed by Vegeta when hurt. Attacks-Tons of joint attacks w/ Jeice and Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-Jeice.

Captain Ginyu-The leader of the Ginyu Force (hence the name.) He tricks Goku into powering up and then switches bodies w/ him. He ends up being stuck in the body of a Namekian Frog. Attacks-Body Switch and Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-None.

Frieza-He causes a lot of problems. He destroys all but four Saiyans and Vegeta later, tons of Namekians including Guru, and Krillen. He has four different forms, his maximum power stage, and he is also rebuilt after the battle w/ Goku and is stronger than ever. He goes to his second form while fighting Vegeta. Then his third when Piccolo shows up. The his fourth in that battle too. He goes to his maximum stage when fighting SSJ Goku. He is killed by Future Trunks when he returns with his father, King Cold. Attacks-Vince Ray, Kienzan Disks, and Ki Blast. Race-Changling. Best Friends-None.

King Cold-Frieza's father. He looks kind of like Frieza's second stage. He is killed by Future Trunks. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-Changling. Best Friends-None.

Android 20-This is really Dr. Gero. He rebuilt himself into an android. He is killed by Android 17 when he is holding the conrtol that will deactivate 17 and 18. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-Human/Android. Best Friends-None.

Android 19-This is a powerful android that gives Goku a lot of trouble. He is killed by Vegeta's Big Bang Attack. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-Android. Best Friends-None.

Android 18-This android later turns good and marries Krillen, with whom they have a daughter, Maron. She does almost kill Vegeta though. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-Android. Best Friends-None.

Android 17-This android is also in Dragonball Gt. He is strong but after Piccolo refuses with Kami, he is inferior. He is absorbed by Cell. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-Android. Best Friends-None.

Android 16-This android is very kind. His only mission was to kill Goku, but he never even fights him. He plays a vital role against Cell, he gets Gohan to go SSJ2. He is killed by Cell. Attacks-Hell's Flash, Rocket Punch, Ki Blast. Race-Android. Best Friends-None.

Cell-This creature progressed to the strong warrior it was. It was made from the cells of all the strong fighers including Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza. He came from the future in a time machine. To become perfect, he had to absorb Androids 17 and 18. He is killed by SSJ2 Gohan and the help of Gohan's friends. Attacks-Kamehameha, Special Beam Cannon, Regeneration, Destructo Disks, Ki Blast, Absorb, and copies of himself.

Yamu and Spopovich-These two fighters seem a little odd when they enter the fighting tournament. They were actually possessed by the wizard, Babidi. They came to collect power so they could revive Majin Buu. As thanks for their work, Babidi kills them. Attacks-Ki Blast. Races-Humans. Best Friends-None.

Pui Pui-Babidi's henchman on the first level of the ship. His home planet is completely dark, so Babidi uses his powers to transfer him and Vegeta to a copy of the planet. In the end, Vegeta kills him without even being hit. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-None.

Yakon-This monster eats ki. Goku beats him by powering up so much that Yakon explodes from all the ki. Attacks-Ki Blast. Race-?. Best Friends-None.

Dabura-This is the king of all the demons. He kills Kibito and turns Krillen and Piccolo into stone. He is turned into a cookie later though, and Buu eats him. Attacks-Spit turns people to stone and Ki Blast. Race-Demon. Best Friends-None.

Babidi-This is the evil wizard Bibidi's son. (Get it, Bibidi Babidi Buu.) He releases Buu from his seal. Buu turns on him and kills him when Goku says that he was too powerful to follow Babidi. Attacks-Mind Control. Race-?. Best Friends-None.

Majin Buu-This is a monster who has a ton of forms and I will explain them all here. When Buu was first created he looked about the size of a five year old, was completly evil, and was very powerful. Bibidi got him to challenge the 5 supreme kai's. He got to the last two supreme kai's, one of which was the Grand Supreme Kai. The Grand Supreme Kai then saved the other kai by being absorbed. The kai who lived was the one who is in the present dbz episodes. Buu then, instead of going crazy, the kai controled him and made him act like a child and he also gave him his looks. Buu in this form was not evil now, only under the influence of Bibidi and later Babidi. For some unknown reason he was sealed in a ball. When he is released he still has the looks of the Grand Supreme Kai. He killed 1/5 of the population under Babidi. When Hercule came to him, he brought out the good in Buu. Then these two crazed people started to gun down people. They shot Hercule and even though Buu heals him, he starts to steam and another Buu forms. This is Old Buu. He was the evil part of Buu. He is a thinner, gray version of Buu. They battle, but when Fat Buu tries to turn Old Buu to candy, Old Buu sends it back and Fat Buu turns into candy. Old Buu then eats him and he starts to steam. When the smoke clears, Super Buu is standing there. He is almost pure evil, but has egnough heart not to kill Hercule. He is tall, pink, has no shirt, and has baggy pants. He changes again when he absorbs Piccolo and Gotenks. He is given Gotenks jacket and the thing on his head grows longer. When Gotenks' fusion ends, he gets Piccolo's cape. He then absorbed Gohan, getting his shirt. He then becomes Kid Buu again when Fat Buu is brought outside of him. In this form he destroys the world, but it is wished back and he is killed by a Spirit Bomb. Attacks-Attacks of people he absorbed/ate, turn people into food, Human Extinction attadk, Ki Blast, Absorb, Regeneration, and throw body parts. Race-?. Best Friends-Hercule.
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