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1) What do you think best describes you?

- Happy
- Angry
- Dissatisfied
- Completely Insane
- Misunderstood
- Evil
- Dork
- Drunk

2) How popular are you?

- Everybody knows me!
- I’m well known.
- I have a couple of friends.
- I hang around with one person.
- I’m so lonely! : (

3) Do you like boobies?

- Hell yes!
- Sure!
- I have a pair. Go me.
- I…really don’t care.
- No.
- This question is retarted.

 4) Are you nice?

- Why, yes I am, thank you for asking.
- I try to be, but end up being a jerk anyway.
- No! Screw you, hippy!
- I don’t think about things like that.

5) Favorite video game?

- Sonic the hedgehog
- Mario
- Megaman
- My favorite game isn’t listed
- Video Games suck

6) Do you have a job?

- Nope, I just run around and do my own thing.
- Yeah.

7) Are you physically strong?

- YEAH! Snap into a slim jim!
- I’m pretty normal.
- Not really.
- So…hard…to…click…buttons…

8) Favorite Music?

- Techno
- Rap
- 80’s popular
- 70’s popular
- Oldies
- Soft Rock
- Classical
- Alternative
- Don’t care

9) Do you like wearing clothes?

- No! Naked = Freedom.

10) Pick one.

- Squishy
- Red Magic Kool-Aid
- Myself
- Love
- Strength
- Trench Coat
- Flamboyant
- Pie
- Long Hair
- Equal
- Blue Magic Kool-aid
- Help…
- Cool
- Evil
- Dreamcast Logo
- Beer
- Mustang
- Stupid
- Power
- Black
- Mushroom
- Small

11) Do you constantly slip in and out of a dream like state?

- No
- Yes
- What was the question?

12) What would you do when faced with a problem?

- Take charge and lead the way.
- Let my minions do all the work
- Just let it happen
- Hide in terror
- Shout something obscene

13) What do you eat for breakfast?

- As much as physically possible.
- Normal things.
- Stuff for dinner
- I don’t eat breakfast

14) How often do you visit the TMS Website?

- It’s my homepage
- Twice a day
- Once a day
- Once a week
- Very rarely