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Chapter 6

Darkness engulfed her body. It wrapped around her with a cool yet warm touch. It's bitter taste filled her mouth. Suddenly when the pitch was about to drag her into oblivion, a sharp distinct beam shone through it, shattering the sloe blackness. The string of light grew to an immense river of a shimmering green. A tall figure stood in the middle, holding a long object. It whispered to her. It was a mummur that rolled of its tongue.

She heard a heartbeat. It began as a soft flutter then grew louder and louder. It rang through her ears. Around her was a jade field and before her was a cave, holding many tunnels with twists and turns. The source of the heartbeat was from a huge pillar of ice.

Then it stopped. A quiet cackle flowed through the air. It transformed into a hideous laughter. It was combined with small beads staring at her. A horrible stench lingered in the air. The smell of poison. A red hot blade thrust itself towards her head. She couldn't move. She was paralyzed. She couldn't even scream. The last thing she heard was the silent sound of a heartbeat echoing in her mind.

Rain then awoke from her vision screaming, sweat encasing her body.

Amariie slammed on the brakes. "Jeez woman! Are you trying to give me a heart attack??!" Turning to her side she noticed Ryo jolted up in his seat also. Rain had relenquished control of the steering wheel back at burger king and taken a little snooze in the back seat.

Amariie waited a bit for Rain to make some derogatory remark to her, but it didnt come. "Uhhh Rainy, what's wrong? Nightmare or something?"

Ryo turned around, also curious.

Rain was still in shock. "I think it was another vision..."

"Vision?" Ryo questioned.

"Oooh! Like the time when you predicted I was gonna get asked to the prom by... Sean!" Amariie's eyes went all glittery.

"Watch the road!" ::screeeeeeeeeeeech:: Luckily Ryo yelled in time for Amariie to swerve the car out of the trucks way.

::big sweatdrop:: "Ooops, my bad," Amariie gave a nervous laugh before promptly shutting up and focusing on her driving.

Ryo sighed and turned back to Rain.

"Well...I saw a green light..trapped in a cave or something...." Rain mused almost inaudibly.

The three thought for a moment."Green light in a cave? Green light...." Ryo said to himself over and over again.

Amariie giggled, "Well maybe it means that green guy is stuck in the cave."

Rain scrunched up her nose, ""Ariie, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Well, you said green light, right? Well the guy with the flippy hair is green, and isn't he Halo? Halo mean light dumbass..." Amariie sniffed.

Ryo's eyes widened, "She's right! Yes!!!! Lets find that cave!"

Rain was shocked, "Whoa!"

"Whats wrong? Amazed at my superior intelligence?" 'Ariie giggled, batting her lengthy lashes.

"No," Rain snickered, "I'm just surprised that you use your head for something other than using to hold your hair up in those stupid pigtails..."

Amariie glared at her thought the rear-view mirror, "Just for that, tommorrow I'm putting my hair in pigtails..."

"Girls!" Ryo called impatiently, ceaseign there bickering, "Shall we find this cave???"

"Uhh sure... pass me the map.." Rain murmered.

Ryo tossed her the crumpled up map over his shoulder. Rain caught it just before it wapped her in the head. She glared at the back of his head and then opened the map, revealing...


"Dammit!!! Open!!! Could you learn to fold a map!??!"

Ryo grinned sheepishly. "Heh.."

Amariie snorted and grabbed the map. "Here, let me read it. Knowing you, Rain, you'd direct us to Bermuda. Not that it'd be a bad thing...Ok, we are here and this red thingy is the highway and..."

As Amariie directed her finger along the paper, she didn't realize that she was kinda driving in the wrong lane. Rain's eyes bugged out as a rather large 18 wheeler came towards them. Ryo's face turned blue from shock. "....truck...big..."

Amariie continued as the 18 wheeler swerved around them, honking and throwing vile curses all the way.

Rain stuck her head out the window. "SAME TO YA BUDDY!!!" She then moved her head forward and saw a line of cars barreling towards them.

"Ok, so this blue thingy is the lake which is over there" Amariie pointed to the right, which made the car move into the right lane. "And this green stuff are tree which are over there," the car moved into the left lane.

Ryo finally came out of shock. "EYES FRONT BAKA!!!"

Amariie looked up. "Oh...hehehe sorry bout that. My bad."

Rain grabbed the map. "No more driving for you..." She began to rummage through the map. Ok, so we are here. Hmm we gotta find a large field with underground caves. 'Susoki National Park'...hmm 'systems of underground caves with stallagmites reaching nearly 50 feet in some places.' Sounds good. "Alrighty 'Ariie, make a left here. I think I got an idea."

Ryo turned in his seat. "And that is?"

"There's this place about twenty miles from here called Susoki National Park. It has a system of underground tunnels and caves. Just like in my dream."

Amariie wrinkled her nose. "You sure it's the right one?"

Rain narrowed her eyes. "How many places in Japan have huge underground caves and stallagmites, baka."

"Ya never know." Amariie turned around and stuck her tongue out.

Ryo rolled his eyes. "Just take a left like she said 'Ariie."

"Humph. Fine."


"Heh, whoops. ::sweatdrop::"
