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These are all the main characters behind Lain

Iwakura Lain is a 13, junior high student how keeps to there self, she is unaware of the world around her. It wasn't until she got an e-mail from a dead girl (Chisa) that Lain begins to see the world around her. Iwakura Yasuo. is Lain's father how encourage Lain in using her navi and even buys the latest model to replace her old one.
Iwakura MikaMika is Lain's older sister. Mika's has a totally opposite personality  of Lain's; she is sociable and outgoing. Like her mother Mika can be cold to others, judging from the way she ignores her boyfriend. Komodo Chisa is the girl dead girl how sends Lain the e-mail how  changes Lain's life, Chisa "like Lain was able to leave here own body into her NAVI when she realized she wasn't needed in the real world. 
Mizuki Arisu is a fellow classmate and friend of Lain, she is the only one how truly cares about Lain. She tries to make Lain involved in more normal J-high school girl would do. Karo Juri is a another "friend" of Lain's, Juri is an emotional girl and  how is terrified when  receiving one of Chisa's e-mails.
  The Knights are a secret organization. They distribute illegal informational devices in the real world. No one knows who belongs to the Knights, or for the matter if they even exist. All sorts of rumors  float around about this mysterious order.

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