The Road Between Souls -

An Inuyasha Alternate Universe Fanfiction by Katra Winner


About me?  Wow, you're actually HERE?  You're either really bored or interested easily.

Well, for starters, I go to a private Catholic school.  Yes.  Really!  Uniforms and let me tell you, they are ugly as sin.  Pardon the pun. 

Uhm...I live across the street from Relina, whom I've been friends with for EVER...ever since I moved here from Ontario, anyhow.  And that was when I was like six.  She's a year and a half older than me, but I have the superior intellect.  Oh ho ho ho ho ho...

I go to Korean karate three nights a week, and there I meet up with Akane and Duo.  And sometimes Albert ^^.  Or Lucas, the 'silent' one, who NEVER yells.  Yeah, watch out, I'm a violent Catholic.  Albert says I am an oxymoronic drama queen...without the oxy.  And with it.  Meanie.

I live in Southern California, and you wouldn't believe our boring-NESS here.  The best place to shop, in my opinion, is the comic book store.  And they hardly ever carry untranslated manga.  Oh how my life sucks.  That's okay, though, because Akane goes monthly I think to Little Tokyo in LA, and she's gonna take me when she goes.  I was supposed to go with her to get birthday present crap, but I was busy setting up for a party. 

That's all that's important, other than the facts that Maron's the only school friend I trust.  You'd be surprised at how vicious Catholic girls can be.  That, and I'm an anime otaku...been one for quite a while, but didn't broaden my horizons past DBZ and Sailormoon till April.  Thank you Akane. 

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