The Road Between Souls -

An Inuyasha Alternate Universe Fanfiction by Katra Winner


This is where I say 'domo arigatou' to all the people that I have to thank for's been a lot of work, and I'm maybe half done.  So here you are, my tomodachi-chans and...people who read this piece of crap.  

Firstly, Maron the Purima Barerina (prima ballerina).  She's an incredibly close school friend of mine, and a fairly new anime otaku.  Conversion active at %75.  Anyhow, I call her 'the slave driver that edits all the things I do in my life'.  I don't know what to buy for lunch?  Maron takes control!

Next, there's Akane.  I'm a member of the so-called fan club for her that Duo and I joke about three nights of the week at karate.  She got me into Inuyasha, and she has the whole series thus far.  If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have the information to write this.  Bravo!  She also reads each chapter of TRBS before it comes out and tells me what she thinks.  

Here we have Crystal Cox.  She asked me in TRBS's early days if she could post it on her website.  That really touched me.  I love nice people, and Crystal happens to be one of them.

Relina, Relina, Relina.  No life, thanks to high school band, and she still finds time to read every chapter of TRBS approximately fifty times and to review and tell me to get my lame ass working on the next.  Feel the love, minna.

Duo took her sweet time in reading TRBS, but she's majorly supportive, and she gives me new ideas in her speech mannerisms, so wai for her. 

Lazuli.  Duuuuuuuuuuuude.  I must have twenty reviews from this crazy person.  ^^  Thanks.

And lastly, Cathy the Annoying But Infuriatingly Adorable Little Sister.  Yes.  Thanks for your support, and for giving up your computer time for me, imouto. 

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