The Road Between Souls -
An Inuyasha Alternate Universe Fanfiction by Katra Winner
November 23, 2001: was CRAZY. I went to Little Tokyo with Akane. Got a tiny Inuyasha keychain, the 2002 calendar (IY again), some Mahou Tsukai Tai! manga, a Japanese-English dictionary, and Christmas presents. Oh, yes, and niku-man for lunch, miso soup mix for my dad, Yogu Time for Akane, and ume (plum) gum for me. The update: to read chapter 11, click here. To see that fanart Akane drew in watercolour (done by me), click here. That is all. *bows*
November 18, 2001: I have a fanart for you! From Akane, my tomodachi-chan! Here it BE....<---click. BTW, that kanji says "The Road Between Souls". No duh, really... ^^
November 17, 2001: This was supposed to be up yesterday, but I was really busy. Sorry. I'm working on v2.0 for this site, as well as chapter 11. Since I won't get a real update up today, click here for a preview of what's to come. I hope you like it, I actually did real work on it. It's plain but, as Inuyasha would say, keh!
November 14, 2001: Links page is up...Augh, that was annoying.
November 12, 2001: Chapter 10 is up. Go read! Oh, yeah, I also put chapter 9 up on FFNet.
November 10, 2001: Chapter 9 is UP AND now! Oh yeah, and the Links and Other Fics pages are almost done, be up in a day or so...notice that I've updated every two days so far here?
November 8, 2001: Not a real material update, I'm just here to tell you that all chapters will be posted here first, and that I'm working on the actual stuff-ables as I type, and yeah. ^.^;;;
November 6, 2001: I uploaded all the chapters so far...can't BELIEVE I forgot that...and added this page. Time to write chapter nine~!
November 4, 2001: Made this site! Have fun! Input is appreciated.