Lucretzia Noin
Lucretzia Noin
In April of AC 197 Noin left for Mars with Zechs, trusting in their long friendship and unspoken
love to heal past wounds and the breach that had resulted from his disappearance. The first six months
or so went by smoothly, although Noin was hesitant to start any discussion of the flaws in their past
relationship. She watched with concern as Zechs tried to deal with the guilt he carried on his own--
uncertain of how to offer her love and assistance without further compounding the problem.
Also, Noin found life as a technitian surprisingly dull. She had believed that being with the man she
loved would be worth giving up the Preventers' active lifestyle, but as her and Zechs' relationship
deteriorated she began to contemplate returning to Earth. Apparently Zechs found the lifestyle dull as
well, because with his increasing emotional discomfort his alcohol consumption also increased.
Noin was surprised, since she'd never suspected Zechs of being the sort of person who would
so easily lose control.
Finally deciding that, as things stood, her presence on Mars was actually hindering Zechs from getting
over his past--since she was a constant reminder of it--and that the current situation was undignified
for both of them, Noin informed Zechs one evening that she thought it best that she rejoin the
Preventers, at least for a while. Believing her to have given up on him, Zechs answered rather
tersely, and for the first time in several years the two got into a fairly heated argument. In the
end, Noin did return to Earth, and Zechs remained on Mars. To Noin's mind he had given up
on himself--and she was sick of being his emotional band aid.
Lovers of this pairing, do not despair. This is far from the end for Zechs and noin. However, I think a
lot of fic writers gloss over the fact that their relationship is bound to be fairly rocky for quite some
time after Zechs reappears. I don't think the two of them communicate well, on emotional matters--at
least, not most of the time. Each one does tend to know what the other is thinking and what they're
fighting for, but I doubt this empathy would extend to their love life...at least, not at first.
That's why I've put them in this situation. And yes,
I know most people don't spell Noin's name this way, but I like it better.