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Super Saiyan-Jin Level 1

There is a legend that existed on the planet
Vegeta.Every 1000 years a Super Saiyan should be
born.He should have super powers and no one could
beat him.However this legend had a small part of
the truth.This is the first level a Saiyan can
reach.Only a select few have ever reached this
power level. This is the most commonly used stage
in the series.To achieve this level a Saiyan must
go over the edge,a big rage must overwhelm him.
(ex. when Frieza killed Krillin,Goku went Super Saiya-jin)

What happens:

- Hair turnes gold
- Golden aura
- Increased power
First to reach SSJ 1: Goku

Reached SSJ 1: Goku, Gohan, Goten,Vegeta,Trunks,Broly

Ultra Super Saiyan-Jin Level 1

This is not a very popular from. It is a level
between SSJ 1 and SSJ 2. It is a Very Powerful
level for Saiyan. But with the muscle mass it
slows the Saiyan down. So this form is not very
offective and is not used that often through-out
Dragon Ballz and Gt. This level was affective for
Vegeta agianst Cell untill he let Cell absorbe
Andriod 18.

What happens:

- A big increase of muscle mass
- Hair has gold color
- A big lose in speed.
First reached USSJ 1: Trunks

Reached USSJ 1:Goku,Vegeta,Trunks Brolly

Super Saiyan-Jin Level 2

This is the second level a Super Saiyan can
reach.Theres not much to say about this power
level.Not like SSJ1 this is the most rarely used
stage in the series.Its also controlled by the
rage.Gohan Used this from of Super Saiyan against
Cell in the Cell games. It astanished Cell as
Gohan gained Strenght and did'nt lose speed. Gohan
stuck with this level for the rest of Dbz/Gt.

What happens:

- Hair keeps being gold, grows a few inches and stands strait up
- Biger golden aura
- Greatly increased speed and reflexes
First to reach SSJ 2: Gohan

Reached SSJ 2: Gohan, Goku, Vegeta

Super Saiyan-Jin Level 3

The third stage that a Super Saiyan can reach.This
level is not like other SSJ levels.Its based on a
long charge up(note, not rage based).

What happens:

- Greatest increase of muscle mass
- Hair is still gold,grows to 3 feet
- Greatest golden aura
- Eyerbrows disappear
- More increased power,
- Speed decreases
First to reach SSJ 3 : Goku

Reached SSJ 3: Goku, Gotenks

Super Saiyan-Jin Level 4

The fourth level of a Saiyan. This is a result of
powering up from a Golden Oozaru (ex. Goku) or
using the Brute Ray(ex. Vegeta).Only two Saiyans
have ever reached this power level.

What happens:

-Greatly increased power
- Hair turns jet black and shortens
- Red fur grows all over the body except palms, fists, and face
- Speed increases
First to reach SSJ4: Goku

Reached SSJ4: Goku, Vegeta