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How to Play Taisen Puzzle Dama


Greetings. I am the Makeup King, Grandmaster and High Priest of the Taisen Puzzle Dama Tournament. Allow me to explain exactly what is involved in the use of these beautiful puzzle balls. All the games in this series follow the same set of rules - and while they are easy to learn, they are difficult to master. Be sure to practise well and you shall soon possess the abilities to outthink your opponent. This is a game to which I have devoted my life - and it is a noble calling.



 As you play, Puzzle Balls of every imaginable colour will fall from the sky. Look at them!

But he who simply watches will not survive for long - you must prevent them from flooding the screen! To do this, place three or more balls of the same colour together in a row - and marvel as they vanish!

This alone is a most miraculous thing - and yet there is more to reveal. Know that their formation need not be vertical - the balls need merely be adjacent to one another for the magic to work!

Not all balls are so fortunate however. Some remain trapped inside blocks of ice - observe their plight. Imprisoned as they are, the magic has no effect. Even when grouped together they will not vanish!

But even these can be rescued. The power of the miracle is such that if nearby balls vanish, the energy unleashed will break the ice and free the balls within. Then these too may at last be induced to themselves disappear. And so may you prevent your stack from ever overflowing.

Think well on these things, for they alone can reveal the wisdom that is necessary to become a puzzle master.

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