"I am Sailor Water and behalf of water and darkness, you will be punished for your actions!!!!!!!"
Name: Yushi Meioh / Sailor Water
Age: Can be 9,10,18, or 22.
Fav. Food: Cheese...^-^
Least Fav. Foods: Pickles, onions, and eggplants
Hobbies: Playing the piano, swimming, drawing, playing video-games
Attacks: "Smashing Silent Wave!!" "Dark Water Iferno!" (Theres so many, I can't name them all ~-^)
Strong Points: When people are talking about music, when someone asks her for a fight
Weak Point: When someone is hurting someone she loves
Words to describe her: Strong, lovable, courageous, generous, happy, funny, silly
Origion: Sailor Water was taught to fight with water on Neptune. A war where she lived broke out and she was sent to Saturn. Sailor Saturn taught her dark magic and other things (also, karate!) They soon became friends. Soon, a great sythe was made with both of their powers.