Sailor America

"You picked the wrong nation to mess with, bud! Didn't you learn anything from History? America always triumphs! On behalf of the Constitution and Spirit of America I will kick your butt!"

Real Name: Julie Freeman

Age: 24

Birthdate: February 15

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Blood Type: A

Favorite Color: Purple

Hobby: Painting

Favorite Subject: Math, Biology

Least Favorite Subject: English

Favorite Food: Hot Dogs

Least Favorite Food: Spicy Foods

Special Talent: Painting

Dream: To get married

Family: Disowned by parents after entering art school.
Younger brother

Has Trouble With: Dentists

Transformation Phrase: Courage! Justice! Glory! MAKE-UP!!!!!

Element of Influence: Honor

Story: Julie never asked to become Sailor America, but after she ran across the stone that gave her these powers, she considered it a duty to become Sailor America. She does most of her work as a crime-fighter as opposed to the type of fighting Sailor Moon does. She lives alone and makes her living painting, and does portraits for a fee.

Created By: V-Babe