"I am the acient Sailor Mortem, mistress of Death, and the instrument of your annihilation ...."
Real name: Riannon
Element of Influence: death
Age: (deceased)
Birthdate: October 31
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: dark blue
Eye Color: brown
Blood Type: O-
Uniform Colors: gray, dark purple and sky blue
Hobbies: none
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Food: doesn't eat
Has Trouble With: animals(they sense death)
Wepon: a sythe
Special Talent: telepathy
Story: She is an acient Senshi that lived some 5,000 years ago. Sailor Moon awakens her spirit by accident during a battle.She only remains for a while then dissapears back into the realm of the dead. Technically she is the first 'version' of Sailor Saturn.She can be called upon in times of great need, but only by Sailor Moon using the silver crystal.
Created by: Mel