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Digimon Name DDC Level
Cyrannimon Allie Rookie
Picture Attack(s) Name Origin
Electric Flame, Faerie Wing According to the creator of the name, it just popped into her head.
Digimon Type Digivolves From Digivolves To
Virus Samammamon Karumon
About Cyrannimon Relations First Appearance
Well, she's in love with Verumon. Who says Viruses are always bad?? Wormmon's good, and so's Cyrannimon!

Smomon/Verumon/RageofWarmon: Her Boyfriend

Victoria, Mysticalmon/Fairymon/Elfmon, Alisa, Toni, Keymon/Mewamon/Unomon, Suke: Her friends

Allie: Her human partner

BlackWidowmon, Twidramon: Her enemies

YukimiBirdramon: Her allies

DDC Season 1, Chapter(/episode thingy) 2: This Might Take a While...

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