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Digimon Name DDC Level
Mewamon Toni Rookie
Picture Attack(s) Name Origin
Lightning Horn, Claw Slash Mew is a sound a cat makes and the a is just thrown in there
Digimon Type Digivolves From Digivolves To
Data Keymon Unomon
About Mewamon Relations First Appearance
This cat/dog-like digimon loves to pick on people and digimon, especially her partner, Toni!

Toni: Her human partner

Victoria, Mysticalmon/Fairymon/Elfmon, Alisa, Smomon/Verumon/RageofWarmon, Allie, Sammamamon/Cyrannimon/Karumon: Her friends

BlackWidomwon, Twidramon: Her enemies

Suke: Her "Partner in crime" (and potential love interest XDDD!)

YukimiBirdramon: Her allies

DDC Season 1, Chapter(/episode thingy) 2: This Might Take a While...

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