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Digimon Name DDC Level
Twidramon None Ultimate
Picture Attack(s) Name Origin
No piccy available The Twi is short for twister and the dra is short for dragon
Digimon Type Digivolves From Digivolves To
Data None None
About Twidramon Relations First Appearance
He's stupid. And gullible. BlackWidowmon easily tricked him into doing her dirty work!

BlackWidowmon: His boss-type mon

Infermon: His ally

Victoria, Mysticalmon/Fairymon/Elfmon, Alisa, Smomon/Verumon/RageofWarmon, Allie, Samammamon/Cyrannimon/Karumon, Toni, Keymon/Mewamon/Unomon, Suke: His enemies.

DDC Season 1, Chapter(/episode thingy) 13: Leave it to Twidramon

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