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Digimon Name DDC Level
YukimiBirdramon None Champion
Picture Attack(s) Name Origin
No piccy available ??? Yukimi is Japanese for white, or something, bird is bird, and dra is short for dragon, prehaps...
Digimon Type Digivolves From Digivolves To
Vaccine None None
About YukimiBirdramon Relations First Appearance
She has a funny accent. Or, as she would say "Ach! H'I 'ave h'a funny h'accent!" I'm so horrible.

BlackWidowmon: Her enemies

Victoria, Mysticalmon/Fairymon/Elfmont, Alisa, Smomon/Verumon/RageofWarmon, Allie, Samammamon/CyrannimonKarumon, Toni, Keymon/Mewamon/Unomon, Suke:Her allies

DDC Season 1, Chapter(/episode thingy) 10: If THIS is Heaven, I Don't Even WANT To Know What Hell's Like! (Also Entitled: In Which I Fall Down And Go BOOM!)

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