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The Digivolution X homepage!

The Oekaki place

The Kiriban Gallery

The DDC Digimon Dictionary!


First off, You need to know all the colors and the people/digis to whom they belong!!!

First, me, VictoriAf!!!

ITJ Also!!!

ITJ's Girlfriend, CTC (Who is also a jodfudnik like him!)!!!

Impmon writes in THIS color!!!

Culu writes in (Offish)white!!

And Cumpmon(the digimon) writes in THIS purply!!!!

Total # of Known Cumpmon Fans: 7

In Cumpmon News:

Well, I'm finally back!! With 2, yes count them, 2 new fellow Cumpy supporters!!!!! One's been hiding from me.... and the other I just found!!! XD Yay-ness for us!!!!! And for all you people who have deadjournals, join the group Cumpmon!!! Tankies!!!!

List of Known Cumpmon Fans:

VictoriAf (If you're a Cumpmon fan too, and want to be on this list, e-mail me!) VictoriAf's Homepage! Digivolution X! (Check out my Cumpmon Shrine! No, wait, YOU ALREADY ARE! XD)

GetDigital (CTC's Author) GetDigital's Homepage! GetDigitalized Pages (Check out the kiriban I won from her! CUMPY-LICIOUS!)

Allie Allie's Homepage! The Ice Cave (Check out the whole frickin' site!)

Toni Toni's Homepage! RPG Destiny! (Check out the sprites in the Digimon section!)

Tallest Los Tanaka Tallest Los Tanaka's Homepage! Demon Hero! (Check out her mini-Cumpmon shrine!)

Chuu Chuu's Homepage! temperchuu (Check out her Cumpy-supporting fanart!)

CDG (Why does she have no linx, you ask?? Because, I have no clue what her e-mail addy or webbiesite are, or if she even has any....)

How to get on the list of supporters:

First, you click on the above link to e-mail me!!

Then, you give me the following info: You ARE a fellow Cumpmon supporter, your e-mail (if you have one), your name, at least, the one you want to have here, like if you have a username, or a name you always use when you update your site or something, like I have VictoriAf, y'know??? ...Shaddup... And your homepage (again, if you have one)!!