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Digivolution X's Kiribans!!!

The Cumpmon Shrine!

The Oekaki place

The Digivolution X Homepage!

The DDC Digimon Dictionary!


My sister got the 100 kiriban, and wanted a Java Junkies (The coupling of Luke and Lorelai on Gilmore Girls) thingamabob. Yeah....


Our current kiriban. Nobody said anything for the 200, 300, or 400 kiribans, which explains why it goes straight from 100 to 500... XP anyway, back to the kiriban!! Allie asked for a piccy of her poking Kouji. I like this one... however, it could be better, and it WOULD be better if .jpg wasn't so bakamono-y!!!!!!!!!!!


Current Status: Finished planning, starting to draw

The next kiriban # (this is also told on the front page): 800