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Oekaki Time!!!

Welcome to my oekaki place, note this is not a BBS, just where I post all the oekakis I've ever done. If you want a BBS go to here!

Lookit all my oekakis!!! Total number of oekakis I've done: 43!!!! Oekakis 1-41 and 43 done at Patamon's Pad oekaki. Oekaki 42 done at TACo.

Oekaki #1 "Take it away! Take it away!!"

It's Terriermon jumping on a trampoline! You can see Lopmon's ears at the top! It's not that good, but then again, it IS my first oekaki ever!!! AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT THE TRIANGLE THING!!!!!!!!!!!

Oekaki #2 "Screw the chibiness...."

This was a request, they wanted Chibi Terriermon in the air with Chibi Veemon running under him, the problem is/was I'm not quite sure how to make a digimon chibi so they turned out rather normal...

Oekaki #3 "I think I was high..."

It's Culumon's head... it's spammy... it's not even that good!!!!!!!!!

Oekaki #4! "It's amazing, what boredom can do!"

Why did I draw this... You were bored. Oh yeah!!!

Oekaki #5 "Screw the frickin' neck."

My first attmept at a persons head, I got aggrivated with the neck so I just made it a turtleneck...

Oekaki #6 "The horror!"

It's Willis, it's not very good, I couldn't get the hair right so I put Terriermon on his head... AND SHE TOTALLY MUTILATED ME!!!!!!!!!!! *Sweatdrops* Sorry... Note me, right at the bottom! *Sarcastically* Gee, Willis, don't YOU have anything to say? Well, not really, I think Terriermon and Lopmon mentioned it all... *Hugs Willis* He just said that so he wouldn't make me feel bad!! Can't... breathe!!!

Oekaki #7 "Again with the forgetting of the triangle thingys...."

Isn't this cute?!?!?! It took me forever!!!! It features me, me, And me!!!! I'm actually rather pleased with this one!!! I could have done the fingers better, expecially on MNTmon and Lopmon...

Oekaki #8 "Muse-y."

It's just a little drawing of MNTmon...

Oekaki #9 "Ferky."

IT'S ME!!!!!!! THANKS TO MY SIS FOR THE BACKGROUND!!!!!! AIN'T I BEAUTIFUL?!?!?!?! Not really... *Thwacks MNTmon over the head with a giant mallet* Ow...

Oekaki #10 "Excuse me while I barf"

I was sick, so I drew this... that explains it!

Oekaki #10 improved! "Excuse me while I barf improved"

I forgot my glasses in the first one...

Oekaki #11 "Gotta start remebering the frickin' triangle thingy."

Is just MNTmon... I forgot the triangle... *Bashes her head in*

Oekaki #12 "Big eye...."

It's a close-up of Fairymon's face, i did this comppletly with the paint option and a size 30 px brush thingy...

Oekaki #13 "Curse the wind"

Awww... Terriermon has naughty laungauage!!! Tsk, tsk tsk!!! /(-^-)\ Shut up... the wind was blowing hard, CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW THE EARS ARE FLOPPY!!?! *Blinx* Take a chill pill Teriamon!!

Oekaki #14 "Closest thing to angsty you'll ever get from me.... why'd I do this again?"

It's just Lopmon... um, yah...

Oekaki #15 "Spray painted Terriermon"

This was a requesties!! It's an "All-American Terriermon" It turned out a whole lot cuter than I thought! 'Curz it's cute!! (^).(^)

Oekaki #16 "Why do I doubt it?"

'Nuver requester, it's an angel Terriermon!! Is cute, too!!

Oekaki #17 is currently N/A

Oekaki #18 "Big mallet!"

AC (Allie from DDC and a member from my guild) threatened to quit oekakin', so I drew dis!! AND I STILL MEAN IT, AC!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!


IT'S GIJINKA CUMPMON!! (CulumonxImpmon coupling) *Sighs* It's such a pity though, Me an' GD are the only existent Cumpmon fans in the world... IT'S STILL AN AWESOME PICCY!! I did this with a pen mouse thing, so I DIDN'T do it with a mouse *wishes she could draw like that using a mouse*

Oekaki #19 color version "YOU! OBEY THE CUMPMON! In COLOR!"

It's just a colored version of the one above it...

Oekaki #20 "Tell them what they've won, MNTmon!"

It's MNTmon announcing that I had winners for my coupling contest!! Of course, nobody who won, REQUESTED anything... oh well!! (^).(^) I give out requests for free, anyway!! (^).(^)

Oekaki #21 "MY Kitty Willis-kun! MIIINNNNEEE!"

*Huggles Willis* This was for a contest, draw your favvie Digimon character as your favvie animal or sumthin' I drew this, entered it, and got third!! Yaysies for me!! *Lurves the piccy to def* The reason it says "He's mine!" on it, is 'cuz I was havin' an arguent over who Willis belonged to...

Oekaki #22 "An' I didn't even fall down!"

I LURVES TO SKATE!! My school had a skating program, that was basically the equipment I was wearing that day, so yah...

Oekaki #23 "Idealess and in need!"

What can I say? I needed a request... I was bored, and had no ideas...

Oekaki #24 "Behold, my amazing lack of talent!"

This was a request, for a Gijinka Gazimon (or is it Gizamon, I constantly forget with those two...) Of course, I did it... It's not very good though... *sighs*

Oekaki #25 "Doesn't the background ferk j00 out?"

This is umm... Kai, that's short for um... Kaisumthin'mon.... I just drew this, 'cuz everyone else was drawing her...

Oekaki #26 "She was WHAT?"

I was bored, kinda out of it, so I just drew how I looked like when I found out my best friend was hacked...

Oekaki #27 "I just have so much trouble remembering triangles!"

Dis be Cumpmon da digimon!!! Um, yah... I forgot the triangle thingy...

Oekaki #28 "I REMEBERED IT!!"

MORE CUMPMON!!! *Glomps Cumpy* This time she's got her ears in!! AND I remembered the triangle thingy!! (^)._(^)

Oekaki #29 "In't it just SO kawaii?"

It's a one sided Mewasuke, if ya don't know what Mewasuke is then GO READ DDC!!! (Go back to the index, clicky on my fanfics, and clicky on DDC!!)

Oekaki #30 "Ain't nothing better than inside jokes"

I THINK THE DINGO ATE YOUR BABY/ I THINK THE BABY ATE YOUR DINGO!!! XP It's a team joke... This was the first time in like forever (as you can see) I used a size one px... and this is the first time I used solids for my highlighting...

Oekaki #31 "Prreeeettyyy..."

(^)._(^) What can I say, I lurves Cumpmon!! I'm really pleased with how this turned out, I did it in watercolors, and the borders in tone... *Glomps Cumpmon more*

Oekaki #32 "Black and White, well technically, a load of greys..."

I read The Giver. I drew this. The Giver is a good book... but that's not why I drew this. I drew this, because THE GIVER IS MESSING WITH MY MIND!!!!!!!!! 'K, I'm over it.

Oekaki #33 "Curse those animators..."

I drew this after Saturday, the 19th, the eppy where they ended it with Beezy (Beezlebumon) falling from the sky... That's ITJ in the corner there saying, "He's not dead YET!" *Sniff* Beezy...

Oekaki #34 "I'm just on an Impy run...."

TJ/ITJ needed a profile piccy, so I drew this. EXPERIMENTS WITH SHADING!!! Watercolors are my FRIENDS...

Oekaki #35 "C'mon, you know you want to give her creampuffs!"

IT'S SOOOOO KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!! *Gives Culu a plate of creampuffs and glomps her* Don't YOU wanna glomp Culu TOO???

Oekaki #36 "Woooorship me! Wooooorship me!"

I got DDC Chapter 10 out, and since it was an aniversary, I did this, and there's a contest!!!

Oekaki #37 "Shiny In Training Digi!"

This is Fairymon's In Training form, Mysticalmon!!! I'm much cuter in my rookie form!!Oh, be quiet....

Oekaki #38 "I was sooo out of it..."

And this would be Fairymon.... it's not good.... TELL ME ABOUT IT!! Be QUIET, DARN IT!!!

Oekaki #39 "Calm down, MNTmon-kun!"

It's MNTmon looking agitated.... I wonder why? You won't shut up about Beezlebumon?? XP

Oekaki #40 "Let's play the poke Kouji game!"

This is my 500 hit kiriban!! (Obviously!) Allie asked 4 a piccie of her poking Kouji!!! I like how this turned out (It probably could've been a little better, but meh.) *Pokes the text* .Jpg is not my friend....

Oekaki #41 "I'm a fangirl and PROUD!"

My doesn't Willis look happy?? XDD This is just me being my generally fangirl-ish self. And there's a little Willis-kun head thingy.... ...........

Oekaki #42 "Much too used to layers...."

This is me, in my newest and most favvieiest form, the anthro(morphic) fox. Interesting fact: Af, which is short for Animefreak, could also be short for Anthro fox.....

Oekaki #43 "The horror! The pure, unadulterated horror!"

This is Cheerleader Kouji. This was done as a giftie to Allie-chan obviously, for equally obvious reason. Quoting myself, "Cheerleader Kouji.... a character only the commercial could inspire."