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Cait Sith

Although Cait Sith's fortune telling ability may not impress you, his fighting skills are a sight to be witnessed. The party first bumps into this joker while wandering around Gold Saucer. Cait Sith eagerly joins the group to see if his predeiction proves to be true. Cait Sith isn't much of a fighter, but his Mog relies on close-range physical attacks. His true strenght lies in his various Limit Breaks. You'll notice that he only has 2: Dice and Slots. Dice grows with power over time and can prove very useful even late in the game. Slots is actually seven different Limit Breaks. The outcome depends on the combination created when all three slots are stopped. Although these Limit Breaks may seem unpredictable, they can cause serious damage even at the lowest levels. Cait Sith's stuffed body can take quite a bit of damage, so keep this hulk up front unless you decide to load him up with Materia.