Duo's Sexy Page of Love Advice

Hi, and welcome to Duo’s page o’ love. This is where I so kindly give out all the advice I’ve learned about relationships over the years.

    Lets began:
  1. Grow your hair out so it’s longer than your ass, then braid it.
  2. If one sex rejects you, try the other. There is nothing wrong with dipping your wick in as many pots of wax as you like.
  3. If your a guy who’s having trouble attracting men, try dressing like a girl and calling yourself Susan. They love that.
  4. Dress like a priest, both men and women want what they can’t have.
  5. Call yourself the God of something. I’m most commonly known as the God of Death, but I also go by the God of Love, and did I mention the God of Pleasure?

Buy a pair of goggles to wear at inappropriate times.

Wear spandex shorts with a wife beater tucked into them. Who can resist someone with such style?

Call everybody WEAKLINGS!!!

Change your name to Sad Clown face.

Hey, this is my love advice page. You guys don’t know the first thing about being a sex god. I mean, you guys don’t even call yourself the God of anything. Not to mention your total lack of ass long braids.

I’m the God of sexy goggles.

I’m the God of sexy spandex.

I’m the God of WEAKLINGS!!!!!

I’m the God of Sad Clowns.

Whatever, you guys ruined my page o’ love. I’m leaving.

Wait!!! I know what’s sexy. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the crusts cut off.

That is sexy, wow Warp, who knew?
