Welcome to Karaoke Night in my Dungeon. The G-boys will be performing some wonderful songs tonight. I hope everyone enjoys themselves, and please tip your waitress.
First in the line up tonight is Duo Maxwell!
Thanks, you two are dolls. I’m going to be performing a little diddy called “In the Garden of Eden,” and it’s dedicated to everyone out there who wants this God of Pleasure. In the garden of Eden, honey, don’t you know that I lovove youou. In the garden of Eden, baby, don’t you know that I’ll always be trueuuu. Oh won’t you come with meee, and take my hananand. Oh won’t you come with meee. . . .
Duo, you only know that song because they sang it on The Simpsons last night.
Okay, next up is Heero Yuy, or as he would say, Al.
You could be my bodyguard, I could be your long lost pal. You can me Eddie, Eddie when you call me, you can call me Alllll, call me Al.
Heero, do you know any other part of that song besides the chorus?
Ah, no.
Get off the stage!!! Glitch, who’s next?
It’s Trowa, I mean, Sad Clown Face.
Send in the clowns. There ought to be clowns. Send in those happy, dappy clowns. *sob, sob, sob*
Right, let’s move on to Wu Fei!
Turning Japanese, I think I’m turning Japanese, I really think so!
Yo, Wu Wu, aren’t you Chinese?
Yeah, so, what’s it to you Maxwell? I just really love sushi!
Hey, both of you shut up so we can get this over with! Now it’s time for the final act tonight. Quatre!
I would say I’m sorry if I thought that it would change your mind. But I know that this time I have said too much, been too unkind. I try to laugh about it, cover it all up with lies. I tried to laugh about it hiding the tears in my eyes. Cuz, boys don’t cry. Boys don’t cry.
*tear* That was great Quatre. *tear*
Really? *eyes filling with tears* Thanks you guys!! Group hug!
*They all hug and sob for about twenty minutes*
I thought boy’s weren’t supposed to cry.
Alas, The Cure lied to us.