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Information On Wicked Lady

Wicked Lady is the older and darkside of small lady. Wicked Lady fist appeared in the Sailor Moon R episode "Birth of Wicked Lady." Wiseman tricked Rini into believing that no one loved her and that she was all alone. By doing this, Wiseman turned Rini against her family and friends and turned her to the dark crystal and darkness. Wiseman gave Rini the power of the dark crystal and that transformed her into an adult. The evil and loyal servant of the Negamoon, Wicked Lady. Wicked Lady possesed amazing powers. She had the energy of the dark crystal coursing through her veins and she could do anything. Even destroy her enemies. Sailor Moon and the others eventually met Wicked Lady and realized that it was really Rini, but no longer a sweet and innocent girl. But now an evil and bitter woman. Sailor Moon and the others tried to make Rini remember her memories and almost got through to her, but the Wiseman came and brainwashed Wicked Lady even more. Thus Sailor Moon and the others lost Rini to darkness again. In "The Final Battle" Sailor Moon and the others again try to give Rini her memories back. But Wicked Lady won't fall for it again. She ignores them and continues to open the Dark Gate. In an act of desperation, Sailor Moon uses her Silver Crystal and becomes her future self, Neo-Queen Serenity, Rini's mother. She tries to calm Rini down and give her, her memories back, but Wiseman interferes and makes Wicked Lady hurt her parents. Neo-Queen Serenity finally uses her silver crystal to give Rini her memories back. Wicked Lady starts to remember her real memories and starts to feel love again. She then turns back into Small Lady and Wicked Lady is gone for good.