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Other Information
The girls were based on the planet that they are the soldier of. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury was associated with science and commerce, Mars with war, Jupiter with thunder and lightning, and Venus with love. The outer planet soldiers are also named after their planet. In ancient Roman mythology, Pluto was the ruler of the Underworld, Uranus the ruler of the Heavens and Neptune the ruler of the seas.
Japanese Information
In  Japan, the blood types are closely related to your personality. It is just a myth though that some people belive. A-  nervous, honest, introvoted , & loyal B-  outgoing, adventurous, & optomistic AB-  Discriminating, proud, & diplomatic O- workaholic, emotional, & insecure
Differences between Dubbed and the Original Series
In the dubbed version, the series was changed so it could be appropiate for younger children. Many violent scenes were changed in the series, like Raye slapping Serena and Rini being spanked. If you watched the Sailor Says at the end of the shows, they show a lot of scenes that were dubbed out of the shows. In most of the episodes, the dialouge was totally made up and didn't follow some of the things that were said in the original version.
Phrase Changes
Japanese O English
OMoon Tiara Action O Moon Tiara Magic
OShabon Spray O Mercury Bubbles Blast
OFire Soul O Mars Fire Ignite
OAkuryou Taisan O Mars Fireballs Charge
OSupreme Thunder O Jupiter Thunder Crash
OCrescent Beam O Venus Crescent Beam Smash
OMoon Healing EscalationO Moon Healing Activation
OShabon Spray FreezingO Mercury Bubbles Freeze
OFire Soul Bird O Mars Firebird Strike
OCrescent Shower O Venus Crescent Shower
OThunder Dragon O Jupiter Thunder Dragon
OVenus Love-Me Chain O Venus Love Chain Encircle
OShine Aqua Illusion O Mercury Icestorm Blast
OSparkling Wide PressureO Jupiter Thunderclap Zap
OBurning Mandala O Mars Celestial Fire Surround