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Amara's Profile
Name: Amara Ten'ou
Japanese Name: Ten'ou Haruka (ten-oh hah-loo-kah)
Meaning: Distant Sky King
Birthday: January 27
Favorite Color: gold
Favorite Food: salads
Least Favorite Food: natto (a fermented soybean Japanese dish)
Favorite Subject: PE
Least Favorite Subject: Modern Japanese
Hobby: Driving
Strong Points: Loyal to the cause no matter what the cost
Has trouble with: confessing
Dreams: to be a race car driver
Gemstone: amber
Attacks: World Shaking; Space Sword Blaster

Sailor Uranus is a girl, though she looks and acts like a guy. Amara is very confident and is dedicated towards her goals. She's also very athletic. Amara hopes to be a world class racing driver. She's good runner and her speed is almost unbeatable . Amara can play the piano and can waltz very well.