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Hotaru's Profile

Name: Hotaru Tomoe
Japanese Name: Tomoe Hotaru (toe-moh-eh hoh-tah-loo)
Meaning: Firefly sprouting from the Earth
Birthday: January 6
Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: nihon soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles)
Least favorite food: milk
Favorite subject: World History
Worst subject: Phys Ed
Hobby: reading, collecting lamps
Strong point: injury treatment
Has trouble with: marathons
Dream: to be a doctor
Gemstone: fluorite
Attacks: Silence Glaive Surprise; Death Reborn Revoluton; Silence Wall
Sailor Saturn is a very powerful scout. Although, in life she is very weak. She is a very caring and kind person, however, people are afraid of her because she has a strange power to heal people. Hotaru often faints or has blackouts. She's known as the sailor scout of destruction.