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Lita's Profile

Name: Lita Kino
Japanese name: Kino Makoto (kee-noh mah-koh-toh)
Meaning: Truth of Wood, or Sincerity of Wood
Birthday: December 5
Favorite Colors: Pink and Green
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Food: Cherry Pie
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Subject: Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject: Physics
Hobby: Bargain Hunting
Strong Points: Great at cooking and cleaning, very strong, mentally
and physically.
Has trouble with: Airplanes
Dreams: To open her own bakery/flower shop
and to be a good wife
Gemstone: Emerald
Attacks: Supreme Thuder(Dragon); Sparkling Wide Pressure; Oak Evolution

Lita is sort of a tomboy. She a great fighter and she's also a great cook. She hopes to open a world famous restaurant. She can also figure skate very well. Lita's very boycrazy. Every boy reminds her of one of her old boyfriends.Lita fears planes because her parents died in one.Sailor Jupiter is physically one of the strongest scouts and she is very important to the team. She is very willing to be a Sailor Scout, and sort of a morale booster in battle. Her attacks are very powerful. The Jupiter Thunder Dragon makes lightning turns into a gigantic dragon and the Jupiter Thunder Clap Zap is when a lighting rod pops out, and she gathers a big ball of energy in her hands. Both can damage the enemy very much. Super Sailor Jupiter is a more powerful form of Sailor Jupiter. Her attacks are more powerful and her uniform changes.