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Michelle's Profile

U.S. Name: Michelle Kaiou
Japanese Name: Kaiou Michiru (kie-oh mee-chee-roo)
Meaning: Complete Sea King
Birthday: March 6
Favorite Color: Marine Blue
Favorite Food: Sashimi
Least Favorite Food: kikurage (a kind of mushroom)
Favorite Subject: Music
Least Favorite Subject: None
Hobbies: Playing the Violin, Collecting Cosmetics
Strong Points: Very Intellegent, great musician
Has trouble with: Sea Cucumbers
Dreams: To be a famous Violinist
Gemstone: Aquamarine
Attacks: Deep Submerge; Submarine Reflection

Michelle is my favorite sailor scout. She's very gifted and talented. She can play the violin, paint, and is very intelligent. She goes to Mugen High School, which is a school for the gifted. Michelle is also a good swimmer.She is a very elegant and graceful. She's also a very confident and competative person. As a scout, she is willing to do anything to accomplish her mission. She's not really able to trust anyone, and may seem cold at times. Sailor Neptune is a good fighter and works well with her partner Sailor Uranus. Neptune has the power of water, but ,unlike Mercury, her powers are more about ocean water than fresh water. The Neptune Deep Submerge and Submarine Reflection are her attacks. The Neptune Deep Submerge sends a blue-green water ball at the enemy and the Submarine Reflection sends a powerful blast toward the enemy.