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Rei's Profile

Name: Raye Hino
Japanese Name: Hino Rei (hee-noh ray)
Meaning: Spirit of Fire, or Soul of Fire
Birthday: April 17
Favorite Colors: Red and Black
Favorite Animal: Panda
Favorite Food: Sushi
Least Favorite Food: Canned Asparagus
Favorite Subject: Ancient Writing
Least Favorite Subject: Modern Society
Hobbies: fortune-telling, meditating, reading
Strong Points: Dedication to the cause, keeps everyone in line
Has trouble with: Television
Dreams: To become a head preistess
Gemstone: Ruby
Attacks: Fire Soul(Bird); Burning Mandala; Flame Sniper
Raye Hino is the Priestess of the Cherry Hill Temple. Her Grandfather owns the Temple, and Raye lives there with him. Raye's mother died in childbirth, and her father travels the world and doesn't really visit much. Raye attends a private school, different from the other scouts. She's very talented. Rei writes music and is very good at singing and skiing. Raye has some psychic abilities, like she can read fire and ask it questions. She also can sense evil/ good forces. She has sort of a temper. (especially toward Serena) It may seem as if they hate each other, but they both really care.As a scout, Rei can act as a leader. Super Sailor Mars is a more powerful form of Sailor Mars. Her attacks become more powerful, as do her psychic abilities.