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Rini's Profile

~Name: Rini
~Japanese Name: Chibi-usa (chee-bee oo-sa)
~Meaning: small rabbit
~Birthday: June 30
~Favorite color: red and pink
~Favorite food: pudding
~Least favorite food: carrots
~Favorite subject: drawing
~Worst subject: languages
~Hobby: collecting rabbit paraphenalia
~Strong point: getting people to give her things
~Has trouble with: taking care of the house
~Dream: becoming a lady
~Gemstone: diamond
Attacks: Pink Sugar Heart Attack; Twinkle Yell

Rini is a very sweet child, who is willing to help anyone. She grows up quickly and is very mature for her age. She can be spoiled and annoying at times. She argues a lot with Serena. Sailor Chibi Moon isn't very powerful. The Pink Sugar Heart Attack only sends little hearts toward the enemy, and the Twinkle Yell calls for Pegasis. Most of the time she has the other scouts to help her.