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Serena's Profile

Name: Serena Tsukino
Japanese Name: Tsukino Usagi (soo-kee-no oo-sa-gee)
Meaning: Rabbit of the Moon
Birthday: June 30
Favorite Color: pink and white
Favorite Animal: Bunny
Favorite Food: Peanut Butter and Jelly, Ice Cream and Cake
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
Favorite Subject: Home Economics and music
Least Favorite Subject: Math and English
Hobbies: eating, sleeping, whining
Strong points: brown nosing, crying, loyal
Has Trouble With: dentists, ghosts, pop quizzes
Gemstone: diamond
Attacks: Moon Tiara Action/Stardust; Moon Princess Halation; Moon Spiral Heart Attack; Rainbow Moon Heart Ache; Moon Gorgeous Meditation; Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss; Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss
Serena is a sweet, friendly girl. She can be clumsy and irresponsible. She's always late for school and she flunks almost every test. Serena eats a lot of junk food. In the beginning, she was known for being a crybaby or a wimp. Although, as the show progressed, she earned respect because of her loyalty and friendship. She is willing to die for her friends. Serena can be overly jealous of other girls trying to get with Darien. As a scout, she is the most powerful. She's the one who always defeats the enemy.