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Trista's Profile

Name: Trista Meioh
Japanese Name: Meiou Setsuna (meh-oh set-suh-nah)
Meaning: Momentary Dark King
Birthday: October 29
Favorite color: dark red
Favorite food: tea
Least favorite food: eggplant
Favorite subject: Physics
Worst subject: Music
Hobby: shopping
Strong point: sewing
Has trouble with: cockroaches
Dream: to be a designer
Gemstone: garnet
Attacks: Dead Scream; Dark Dome Close
Trista is mysterious, so not much is known about her. You can't even tell how old she is. She look like she's around 20, but she's as old as time. Sailor Pluto is one of the most powerful and sailor scouts. She controls time and guards the time gate. Because of this, she is isolated and very lonely.