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Artist: Darien Tobias
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The very first artist concept of Yuriko ever given to me, back in 1999 by the second RPG Yuriko appeared in. A freeform inn known as Blazing Sword Inn. This picture was drawn by a character who she later married and divorced (too complicated a story to explain. Wasn't her fault though.) Sadly, this artist doesn't deal that good with the people he's doing pictures for. He goes by what he feels they should look like, and not how their creators tell him. Luckily he got a good resemblance to her. I edited out another of my characters from this picture, because he horribly got him wrong. Though BSI is long dead, her character continues having adventures in private rpg's with other survivors of this rpg.
Artist: Clay Garner
Artist's Homepage
First and only official picture drawn of Yuriko for the RPG she originally appeared in, BattleMaster High. The artist is Clay Garner, who was still a beginner at the time of drawing this. He has gotten better and promised a new version of this picture, but hasn't gotten to it. It's been a year now.

Colored Version done by Michael J. Sleppy (Homepage).
Artist: Nimbus Conflict
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This too was drawn by a starting out artist, of who I met while joining a D&D3rd Edition game. His name is Nimbus Conflict, and seems to have promise. Like Clay's drawing, this was based on her appearance in the long-dead RPG BattleMaster High. This, as well as other requests of her, were asked at a time in which BMH was supposably being reborn... sadly, it made 4 or so sessions before dying again.
Artist: Bobcat
Artist's Homepage
Unlike the previously mentioned, this is the first picture I have gotten by someone rivaling that of professionalism. Bobcat is an artist who truely does good artwork. She specializes in official and original characters of the game series MegaManX. I asked her to do this because her original character, Paw, bears a striking resembelence to Yuriko, although her hair and attitude are far off.
Artist: Te'nala
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A picture done by an artist who... I didn't even know was an artist :P. I roleplay with her in the Druids of Moonlocke RPG, played on Furcadia. She drew this out of boredom. It may just be a markered doodle, but it is still a masterpiece. This is also the first picture drawn of her in her embodyment on Furcadia, and I hope it won't be the last.
Artist: Unknown
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This is the very first commission I have ever gotten of Yuriko. It was given to me by an artist who I know nothing about, besides her first name being Leslie (katakana signature translation by Shorah.) This is a wonderful picture, especially since I only paid 82¢ for it. I met her at Nekocon, my local anime convention, on the third day, just an hour before I came home. Due to her not being a furry artist, I gave her the description based on her BattleMaster High and Blazing Sword Inn appearances. Though in all honesty... she's in a bit too much of a provocative pose for her personality.

Character Sheets

The character Yuriko is © 1999-2001 Bart Yoder. Please do not redistribute or alter anything you download from this site or I'll track you down and rip your head off