This is where we go back in time a couple of years or so and share with you what all four of our characters were like when we first brought them to life!

Frodo Frigid: (Tuxie's character)

The only original stories that actually made it to school! That said, I can just have the stories explain themselves!


Crystal Frost: (Nepu-chan's character)

It is known that a ghost on the form of a beautiful young girl can be found in the mountains near Lavender Town. She wanders about the mountains and surrounding areas and helps those who are in trouble. She is called the “Savioress of Kanto” for she has also been known to heal.
That was the rumor about me as a child, aren’t you jealous? I’ll tell you what my childhood was really like. I don’t remember being born, I know that sounds like a cliché, but here’s the thing, I don’t remember my parents either. I never found any record of my birth, none at all, not even a Polaroid of me as a newborn in my mother’s arms. I have no pictures of my parents, no birth certificate, nothing. Anyway, enough about that, now about that legend, it is true that I roamed the area around Lavender Town and helped and even mysteriously healed their wounds and sickness. I didn’t pretend to know how I was able to do it, all I knew was, I had a gift, and I have to do something about it.