Japanese Name: Mizuno Kaasumi (̖)
Meaning: Mist of Water
American Name: Misty Waterflower
Nicknames: (Japanese/American) Kasumi-chan/Mist
Special Form: Sailor Mu-mu (not an acctual senshi)
Past Life: N/A
Age: 23
Astrological sign:
Blood Type:
Favorite Colors: blue (all shades)
Senshi Colors: light blue, sea green
Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite Subject: Phy Ed
Worst Subject: Speech (she's too out spoken)
Favorite Pastimes: swimming, flirting
Ambitions: To win Satoshi's heart back
School: N/A
Crushes: Satoshi, Takeshi, Kenji, Shigeru (what do you ecpect from her, being the only teenage girl in the cartoon)
Relatives: Daisy, Lily, Violet (triplet sisters, Japanese names N/A)
Weapons: her temper
Special Powers: N/A
Personality: She's a hot-headed redhead until you really get to know her, then she's more of a romantic. If you get on her bad side though, she's a complete bitch, honestly, I think she and Hakaru belong together...
Attacks: She doen't have any, at this point in her life she hardly even uses her Pokemon, mostly all she does is flirt with or yell at people.

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