Japanese Name: Himeko
Meaning: Crying One
American Name: Kira Scarlet
Special Form: half-demon
Past Life: N/A
Age: 18
Birthday: June 27
Astrological sign: Cancer
Blood Type: O
Favorite Colors: blue
Scout Colors: N/A
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Least Favorite Food: Salmon
Favorite Subject: Phy Ed
Worst Subject: Science
Favorite Pastimes: obsessing over bishonen
Ambitions: to be a singer
School: Kuchiba University
Crushes: Duo, countless others
Relatives: a distant 5th cousin, twice removed
Weapons: herself
Special Powers: telekinetic fire-controling demon
Personality: hyper and devious
Life History:
Attacks: she a demon you peoples!

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