The Z Children
The children of the Z warriors! For my latest fic I'm going to try to focus more on them so here's a profile for them. I decided to group them all together to keep it simple, although Trunks and Goten are little old to be considered one of the 'kids'. Please don't take my collage without asking, I worked hard on it. My hand was so tired after drawing the others, I gave in and just edited two pictures of Trunks and Goten from the show. So on to the descriptions.
Trunks Briefs is eighteen years old at the time of THE MYSTIC SAGA. He won't start college for awhile yet and so in the meantime he makes mischief with his best friend Goten, when he's not training with his father. More often then not, when the grown-ups want time to themselves they will call upon him to watch over the other Z children. Trunks can be serious and responsible when he needs to be and is rather intelligent, although he's not quite the genius his mother is. Half-Saiyan / Son of Vegeta and Bulma
Goten Son is a year younger then his best friend Trunks and therefore has yet another year of high school to go. He loves to fight and takes every chance he can get to get out of his studies, risking his mother's wrath often. He misses his father and aspires to be just like him. Good-natured and cheerful, he is quite a lot like him. Which may be why Piccolo would prefer Goten didn't watch his children by himself unless Trunks or Gohan was there as well. Half-Saiyan / Son of Goku and Chichi
Marron Chestnut is the middle child of the group at the age of fourteen and is often the only voice of reason. She is pretty easy-going and hardly ever loses her temper. Having superhuman friends and family always makes for having an interesting time. Living on Master Roshi's island means Marron is a little cut off from the rest of the world but she doesn't mind. Goten is always willing to give her a ride somewhere. The rest of the kids look to her as a sister and a peacemaker. Human / Daughter of Krillin and Eighteen
Pendril is the eight year old son of the one and only Piccolo. His twin sister Lidal is his best friend and Pan is his second best friend. Most of the time he hangs out with the girls but when he gets the chance, he trails after Trunks and Goten, picking up their mischievous ways, which counters the serious ways taught to him by his father and Uncle Gohan. Growing up with a bond to the Earth makes him more aware of things then most people. He is also a quick-study for picking up fighting techniques. Half-Namek / Son of Piccolo and Kya
Lidal, twin sister of Pendril and daughter of Kya and Piccolo. Pan is her closest friend besides Pendril, having grown up as the nearest neighbors to each other. Lidal is not as quick as Pendril at learning to fight but is a better study at learning the ways of the elements and the Earth. She is a rather observant person and picks up on things most miss. The gift of Sight has yet to manifest in her but she has an uncanny sense of knowing when something unusual is going to happen. Half-Namek / Daughter of Piccolo and Kya
Pan Son is the six year old granddaughter of the famous Goku, as well as Goten's niece. Although her closest friends, Lidal and Pendril, call her father Uncle Gohan, she doesn't dare call their father that, calling him Mr. Piccolo. Pan is rather hasty and can have a temper, especially when she hangs around Bra, who she has no patience for. Pan is very much the tomboy and practically had to insist on being taught to fight. Though young, she's already a rather formiable fight. She can't fly well yet but she's on her way. One-fourth Saiyan / Daughter of Gohan and Videl
Bra Briefs is seven and although a year older then Pan, often acts and is treated, like she is the youngest of the Z-children. With such an age difference between her and her brother Trunks, Bra has been a little spoiled by her family. She takes after her mother, not really athletic or interested in fighting, despite her Saiyan blood. She is more interested in clothes and dolls. And will probably be a heartbreaker when she grows up, if her father doesn't get in the way with overprotectiveness. She's only learned enough control over her ki to fly and keep from blasting someone on acciden, like she did to Goten when she was four. Although all the Z children can be quite annoyed by her at times, they don't truly hate her. Half-Saiyan / Daughter of Vegeta and Bulma
To found out more, read my fanfiction.