Trunks' Profile
Full Name: Trunks Vegeta Briefs
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Saiyan, Half-Human
Height: 5' 11''
Hair: Lavender
Eyes: Bright Blue
Family: Vegeta(Prince of Saiyans), Father / Bulma Briefs, Mother / Bra Briefs, Sister
Ablities: As a Saiyan, Trunks is icredibly strong, has good hearing, and a good sense of smell. Training with his father, he is one of the strongest fighters around, able to ascend to Super Saiyan 2. When fused with Goten, they reach Super Saiyan 3.
History: Trunks was born in a turbulent time, when life was threatened by the Androids. But fortunately, they were all able to survive, thanks to the Mirai version of himself. Having a chance to grow up with his father's guidance, Trunks is very strong and can be rather arrogant at times. But influence from Gohan and his best friend Goten keep him from being too much like his father. In the years after meeting Kya, he found her quiet ways very calming when life left him angry and fustrated. In the years of Pendril and Lidal's youth, Piccolo would only entrust them alone with either him or Gohan. Although he liked Goten, Piccolo didn't want his children turning out like him for some reason. When Pendril died defeating Talvo, Trunks had felt like he had lost a nephew or even a brother. And it had hurt even worse when Lidal went back in time. Which made him all that more determined to go back in the time machine to fetch Lidal. Maybe he feels more then he thought he did.
To found out more, read my fanfiction.
Personality: Like I said earlier, having a father to raise him made him rather confident but not overly arrogant. Not a genius like his mother, he does have pretty good skills when it comes to mechanics and machines. While rather mischievous in his youth, becoming president and CEO of Capsule Corp so his mother could concentrate more on her inventions has matured him quite a bit. And his experiences on Namek have started him to thinking on maybe it's about time for him to settle down with a family as well.