(Taken from AllaKhazam's Magical Realm as I have not done this one myself or had a chance to log the text involved yet due to me not being Fluent in Elder Dragon....yet heh)
Zenoux says,in Elder Dragon, 'Mortal. . .'
He flaps his wings and a talon taps against the floor, making a sharp noise in the silence. 'Mortal. . . time is short. If you can understand me, perhaps you can help me. I need my grimoire, my tome, the source of my power. With help from the [distant ones], I can make my escape.'
You say, 'What distant ones?'
Zenoux says,in Elder Dragon, 'My learning is
one of the eldest. . . perhaps. . . in all existence. From the depths of Limbo can I convene with them. . . they, the distant ones. My bidding can they fulfill, for short times. I need my grimoire! My grimoire, hear me, Wood Elf! Fetch it and I can reward you with riches beyond your wildest reckoning! Hurry!'