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Ok ok so I was like thinkn' earlier that day y'know that someone mustive been like watching me or something cause earlier that day I got this eerie like feeling like yah know when a brotha' is like checking out your ass and all so I like whip around all kung fu like and no one was there! Later I was like mindin' my own business when this fly ass lizard comes walking up to me asking all bout' his lost puppy and all dog and said like he's gonna go like give me candy and shit for helpn' him like. So I'm like sure dog I'll help yah but yah best not be all talk about that candy and all! And he's like sure girl I gots your candy right here but no dog no candy, so I was like sure I'll go and find'ja lost puppy and all! So I tells him to wait and I goes and put's on my's best nightie I could find cause like I said this lizard was like hung like an Ogah if yah know what I mean and even though I could tell he was a straight up playa' I just couldnt resist that fine ass tail of his!

So Im like ok where would I be if like I was like a puppy and all so I like start looking around town and stuff and Im like not seeing no puppies and shit so I'm like hey bro I didnt catch the name of the like puppy and all and I likes turn around and he's like not there and shit! So I'm like freakn' out and shit and I was like woah and stuff cuz' like I was like in the middle of nowhere now and suddenly I like here this woosh! like somethin's like yah know coming up behind me and I was like holy shit monkey! and like the next thing I now I'm like all knocked out and shit. I wake up like sometime the next day and my uncle was like all worried and stuff that I was like gonna die and stuff but I find out that like I was ok and stuff, except for the bump on my head, and like my nightie was like gone and shit!!! That mother f*ckn' lizard stole my mother f*ckn' nightie and I was like MOTHER F*CKER!!! Then I was like...oh hell no did that playa just play me or some shit but my uncle told me no and that the doctors said like he didnt do anything else but like steal my nightie and shit. Later that day one of the guards like caught this little rodent thing that was like looking in my window while I was asleep after and they were like thinking this thing was like the guy who stole my nightie and shit but it wasnt. The next day the guards like see this hot ass lizard walking through town but they looked and he was like wearing some lingerie and shit and they were like thinking that's not normal and shit. So they like chase him and stuff and like he was too fast and he like ran outta town faster than a little Druid Assling. I was was like DAMN and shit.