April 2003 Updates
Monday, 4/28/03 - AnimeAngel I totally forgot to make the update for my last wallpaper so I will include that one with this new wallpaper I just made. My last wallpaper was on Digi Charat. It looks to me like it is a very chibi oriented anime with really cute little characters with big eyes. I never seen the anime before but I have heard some pretty good reviews for it. This next anime I haven't seen either. It seems to be German oreinted anime simply because it contains some things from Germans. Of course it is still an anime; probably just from a German storyline like Noir, which is from a French story. This anime is called Freulien Yuna also meaning Miss Yuna. Sunday, 4/13/03 - AnimeAngel This anime I have never seen or heard before. I really want to watch it now though. The chracters look really cute. I found the images of this character while searching the net for wallpapers of other animes so that I can make some more wallpapers. It looks really nice though and I won't mind looking for more of these pics to make more wallpapers out of. Another thing that I added was another version of my previous wallpaper. My friend said that it would look better if the effects were on the other side so, here it is. Saturday, 4/12/03 - AnimeAngel Yesterday I went to one of my friend's house and played his new game, Xeno Saga: Der Wille Zur Macht (which is German). That game rocked! It reminded me so much of my favorite RGP, Final Fantasy VIII. Though there was a lot of cut-scenes it was favorable. I was able to get a very good look at the characters and the cool graphics in the game. I just played the very beginning so I do not know much about the plot but it sounded pretty good in the beginning. Xeno Saga is in stores now and is about 50 dollars or so. I personally will wait until the price goes a little lower before buying this game but if you can't wait and have the money I suggest you buy it and give the game a try! This wallpaper is of one of the main characters, Kos Mos. To my extend in knowledge, she is a robot who is programed to do hand to hand battle. Though she is still in her experimental stages, she is already ready to take on real life battles. Friday, 4/11/03 - AnimeAngel A tragedy has occurred at Walnut High School when a senior by the name of Brandon Flores commited suicide during lunch. I, myself have already been briefed with many details of what had happened especially when I also attend Walnut High School. His death has touched everyone at Walnut High School as well as others around the city and beyond. As for the rumors that he committed suicide over his girlfriend, it is untrue. His girlfriend was simply the last straw; Brandon has been under an extreme amount of pressure from other things in his life. Even people who have never met Brandon was crushed at the news that he had shot himself, myself included. I never met Brandon yet I feel just as bad as those who knew him. This wallpaper is dedicated to Brandon Flores of Walnut High School, Rest In Piece my friend. Wednesday, 4/09/03 - AnimeAngel This wallpaper is what I think, one of my best ones. It didn't take me a long time though. I was suprised at how fast I cropped the picture. Magna Carta characters all look really cool, that's why I decided to make it. I did kind of borrow the wallpaper theme from someone, I just put my tastes to it. Turned out pretty good don't you think? Yea, this definitely is one of my favorites. I don't know much about this anime or manga or whatever it is but I know that it has gotten very popular lately. Everybody I know has been in some sort of contact with this Manga Carta. Monday, 4/07/03 - AnimeAngel This is the only exception I am making. This is one of my favorite animes of all time and there is absolutely no sites on the net about this, none that I have seen so far, and I have been searching for days for pictures of this anime. If anyone knows a really good site please email me. But so far these are the only wallpapers that I could find of this anime and I am going to post them up on this site. I know, I did not make them but I have to promote this anime. It is too good to pass by like this. Monday, 4/07/03 - AnimeAngel I guess I'm on a wallpaper streak. I made two wallpapers in a week. It's been a while since I have done that. This wallpaper is on one of my favorite animes. It is just really hard to find pictures; harder than Psychic Academy. As you see, I tried to make grass in the background, but I guess it did not come out to well. I tried the best I could with what I have. The overall picture is very good I have to say myself (not my wallpaper, just the picture of the characters ^^). I will try harder next time. Saturday, 4/05/03 - AnimeAngel Again, this is the first entry since a month ago. I guess I have been really busy lately. Well, at least I finished a wallpaper! This one is on Valkyrie Profiles. The girl looks pretty cute, but I have never seen this anime, nor do I know if this really is an anime. I have a previous wallpaper from this anime/drawing/whatever, in my Miscellaneous Section of my site. That was like my first wallpaper and I didn't make a section for that wallpaper. But now I have, but I am sure I will be too lazy to drag that wallpaper over. it's not that good anyways. But yea, I hope you like this new wallpaper I made. It took me forever because my computer was going all wack and kept on crashing. See what I go through to entertain my audience!