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Having problems getting your look-up to look the way you want it to? Orfos has made some look-ups for you to use! ^____^

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How do I set my user look-up?
Some people still can't figure this out. No prob! Guild Leader Orfie is here to save the day! ^_^;;

(click here for a better view of the image above)
Step 1. Highlight and copy the code to the layout you would like to use.

(click here for a better view of the image above)
Step 2. Second, go to the Neo Chat page on neopets and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

(click here for a better view of the image above)
Step 3. Third, you right click inside the box you see at the bottom of the page. You then paste the code inside the box and replace the part at the bottom where it says TYPE HERE WHAT YOU WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO SEE, with whatever you want. Then press Update Chat Profile.

Step 4 . You finally then check on your user look-up to see if it's what you want! ^_^