Sailor Jupiter with a white lynx skirt and her hands tied behind her


Sailor Jupiter

(Sailor Moon)



(cont. from #F0026)

Moon: "Well, what do you think?"

Jupiter: "I absolutely love it. I can't believe how soft this skirt is. I can see why this is called the 'Who Needs a Boyfriend' Model."

Moon: "And would you recommend this to your friends?"

Jupiter: "Heck. I'd recommend this to people I met on the street."

Moon: "Good. Now, do you have any questions?"


Moon: Well, you haven't purchased this product yet.

Jupiter: So. You think I'll steal it?

Moon: No, no, no. The evaluation of our products is unlimited. We just don't allow you full freedom of movement to balance it out.

Jupiter: What kind of a policy is that? Does Microsoft own this company?"

Moon: "Well, yes." _TNK


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