Jean Grey in a white mink wrap skirt


Jean Grey (a)




PROFESSOR X: Hank, what happened to the danger room?

BEAST: Nothing, really. We do this every Saturday.

PROFESSOR X: So everyone puts on fancy armor and Jean's the damsel in distress?

BEAST: Well, she wouldn't be if she thought ahead for once.

PROFESSOR X: What do you mean?

BEAST: I mean that all she had to do was defeat the Limestone Dragon, but she forgot to wrap her sword handle with Pernia's Protective Thread so the Dragon's breath of Rendering knocked her sword from a +9 to a +2. And to top it off, she didn't attack the Dragon's tail to disable it's Parasite Ray and of course she got hit with it. She was just lucky she made her Saving Throw and was just stunned instead of vaporized. Man, I don't know how she became a level 14 Cleric.

PROFESSOR X: What the hell are you talking about? And why are you up here with all this paper?

BEAST: Hello! I'm the Dungeon Master.

PROFESSOR X: The what- oh, that. Wait a minute! Are you trying to ruin us? You know comic book characters can't be bigger losers than their readrers!

BEAST: Yea, you're right Professor. Um...Oh, it's terrible! A short circuit in our network turned the Danger Room into an Everquest server and everyone thinks they're part of the game! We have to get them out!

PROFESSOR X: Ah, that's more like it. _TNK


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