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  • Name: Camui Gackt
  • Birthdate: July 4, 1540; rumors say the actual year was 1973
  • Birthplace: Okinawa
  • Hometown: Kyoto
  • Sex: Male (but that's kinda a "duh"...)
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Bloodtype: A
  • Waist: 68 cm
  • Ring size: 10
  • Shoe size: 8
  • Smokes: Joker, but they discontinued making them, so he just smokes whatever... though he shouldn't do it at all. XP
  • Fragrance: Platinum Egoiste (Chanel)
  • Facts:
    He's left-handed;
    Prefers written mail to e-mail, says that written letters (and sent photographs, choice of stationary, etc.) all say a lot about the writers' personality;
    Hates electric lights, he says they hurt his eyes, so he prefers to use candles
    he always wants to be the best at everything, very competitive;
    Wants to know everything about everything, the first thing he did when he went into a room was go through all the drawers and look under all the furniture, he says he can't be satisfied until he knows everyting in his room. He also reads instruction manuals very thoroughly, such as electronic manuals, he'll read one from front to back but once he's finished he'll lose intrest quickly. (that sounds fun... I should do it...)
    He has a Dog named Belle, and a cat named Mey.
    His favorite Actors and Actresses are Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, Meg Ryan, and Nicholas Cage.
    He likes to stay at home and either Read, Play the Piano or drink alcohol.

    Biography Gackt's life in music started very young with the Piano. This started when he was three, his parents were very strict on education and forced him to sit in front of the piano for at least two hours a day. They also controlled the things he was allowed to watch on TV, being able only to watch national and educational programs. He doesn't know why they were so strict, and when he was 17 his mom even apologized for being like that, And he was hurt, basically his whole childhood was ruined, and they didn't have a reason why.
    Around the time he was 6 or 7, he drowned in a sea in Okinawa. He says after that experience, he has felt like he's a psychic. At the Height of his paranormal abilties, he says around age 12 he was inhabited by a ghost of a woman, and taken downstairs with out any control of his body. Though he says it has gotten weaker, since then, he still feels paranormal things every once in a while.
    He could only listen to classical music when he was a kid (his favorite composers being Bach, Ravel, and Debussy), but when he first heard Rock and Roll, his tastes changed quickly. In high school, he joined a Rock band, first as a help drummer, but then the vocalist left, and he replaced him. Because of his low tone voice he felt inferior because the rock genre usually uses a higher pitched voice, but his band members were reasonably and created songs to suit his voice.
    In 1995 he joined the Band Malice Mizer. He stayed with them for 4 years, making 2 albums Voyage and Merveilles. At the begining of 1999 he left them to persue a Solo career.
    Since then he has made one Mini album, Mizerable, and 3 Albums, MARS, Rebirth, and MOON

    Why Gackt?
    Gackt is one of my absolute favorite artists ever, although I do perfer Malice Mizer to his solo stuff, I still adore all of his works. His voice is amazing. His voice range is amazing. He has so much creativity I am practically astounded everytime I listen to one of his songs for the first time.