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Wow, do I know how to neglect a shrine or what? Well, during the dates 7/4 and 8/29 I started my own Malice Mizer site, Caliginious. And I decided, that since I already have a site on Malice Mizer, that with my Gackt shrine, I'm going to minimze it, making it more like my Kaoru shrine.

Now, let's face it. I like Malice Mizer (with or without Gackt) more than I do Gackt's solo works. But I'm going to try and not to focus on Malice Mizer, if you want Malice Mizer information, please go to my Malice Mizer site. Gackt is currently solo, so I will try to focus on that. I also changed the name from Greyscale to Distorted Face, He says that in specfic phrase (in english and everything!) in Illuminati and he says "Your distorting face is" in Vanilla. I read that in my Merveilles booklet and thought that it was pretty cool. And since the two songs he uses that phrase in are... well you get the idea (if you don't, I feel extremly sorry for you.) So I have a sexual innuendo for a title, Go me!

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See above.

WAI~~~!! Happy Birthday Gackto-sama! *brings out cake with ...462 candles?* And just on his birthday, I received the Mizerable ~hishou~ photo albums, and he does look gorgeous in all pictures. I recommend this book to any fan.

Whoo~ New layout. This one is has a picture from the Saikai~story~ single cover.

6/19/02: Yay! Gackt's Album "Moon" Comes out today. *confetti*