Here's what People Have to Say about this Website.

"I want a new Picture. When are the new ones getting developed?" - Brian.

"You better not put me on that site or I'll Kick you, I swear to God..." -Heather.

"Kristin and I noticed that your links are messed up." -Kyle.

"What's the website Address?" - Shawn.

"I know your website lacks content, I thought that's why you made it..." -Kristin.

"I think I've got a picture of me at the Mexican Border somewhere... I think I look Pissed off in it..." -Jesse.

"Why don't I have a Picture yet?" - Shawn.

"Hey Jack, Your Links are Messed up." -Travis.

"Oh, that's great..." - Preston.

"Of course the pictures came out bad, they're taken by drunk people." -Kristin.

"Raaaaaaaaaaaaa!" - Amanda.

"I just want one picture where I don't have a Beer in my Hand." - Andy.

"What's the Website Address?" -Shawn (Again.)

"It looks like you guy shave fun ^^" -Daisy

"I didn't say shave... i just forgot the space!" -Daisy (Soon afterwords)

"Your web page sucks!

Why on the main picture of the page does it say usual suspects when only THREE people in the picture are???




Your explanation is SLOW. You must be faster. You must write now. You must stop what you do, log online, type, and make me happy. You have failed to do the following: Write an Explanation to the above question. You have also failed to: Write an explanation to the above question. The longer you wait the more the question will haunt your DREAMS. At night the screams of the innocent will cloud your mind, you will die a man with dream clouded mind. Your mind will be clouded with so many dreams you wont be able to think. So many dreams so little time. Once your dreams have been clouded your soul will begin to drain into the cup of juice that I have placed below your feet. Then the cup will be crushed by the weight of your EVIL. Then come to warnings. Oh the warnings of things to come. One day you'll turn around and find those warnings knocking on your door. These warnings wont' wait for you to tell them to go away. oohhhhhhh no they will DESTROY YOU FOR looking at them. Before you can say I am so sleepy I Want to go to sleep now please thank you they will DESTROY you. Poof. Yup, destroyed.

So we've learned.

Your explanation sucked because you never wrote it.

You're evil.

Your soul is in danger.

Theres a cup.

Warnings are bad.


I should have wrote this in my dead journal."


It was funny at first, but what else is there to see?